Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Gracefully Accepting Change

When you hear someone say the word "change," what emotions are stirred up in your mind? I recall in one of my college psychology classes that experiencing change can cause fear because it possesses a certain aspect of that which is unknown. Think of the last time you went through a major life change. Perhaps you were moving away to college, getting married, or even having children!

As I've previously mentioned, my husband and I recently moved across the country from Dallas to Los Angeles. As someone who lived within the same 30 mile radius since high school, I found this to be a big transition. Although barely a month deep into this move, these are three strategies that I found helpful in accepting this change as gracefully as possible.

1. Appreciate the present. When experiencing big changes it's really easy to get lost in contemplating all of the uncertainties the future may or may not hold. Enjoy your final moments in your present circumstances and cultivate meaningful memories to reflect back on.

2. Keep expectations low.  Try not to force yourself or others to adapt too quickly. You really don't know how long it will take for this change to feel "normal." Accept and expect adjustment to take time and it will eliminate some of the
added stress of a new environment.

3. Find an outlet. Find an easy hobby to get lost in. Although everything around you seems somewhat hectic having one constant activity will help you cope with the surrounding turbulence.

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